Large National Currency
Large Size National Bank Notes were first authorized under the National Banking Act of February 25, 1863. This legislative act was signed by President Abraham Lincoln. Notes printed from 1863 to 1875 are known as “original series.” These notes did not bear the bank’s charter number. The act of June 30, 1874 required that the bank’s charter number be displayed on the notes.
The first bank to circulate National Bank Notes was the First National Bank of Washington, D.C., Charter No. 26, on December 21, 1863. The first National Bank of Davenport, Iowa was the first National Bank to open for business on June 29, 1863. Charter Number 1 belonged to the First National Bank of Philadelphia, PA when their charter was received on June 20, 1863 Large National Bank Notes were issued last with series 1902.
There are many ways to collect these i.e., by Charter Numbers, Cities, Towns, Series, State, Serial Number, Denomination, Locality, Signatures and Banks just to name a few.
“Paper Money of the United States” by Arthur L. and Ira S. Friedberg is a standard reference on American currency.